Categories: Online Marketing

Top 3 Conversion Optimization Myths from #ConvCon

Conversion Conference Florida kicked off this morning in beautiful Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The event is packed—and I love meeting so many smart marketers who are passionate about ROI.

Now, the discipline of conversion optimization is full of many myths, including "red converts better than blue," "short pages always outperform long pages," and more.

In his information-rich session, How to Develop a Conversion Optimization Strategy, Chris Goward, President of conversion optimization consultancy WiderFunnel, shared his top 3 myths of conversion optimization:

Myth 1: Multivariate Testing Provides the Best Results

Think multivariate testing is superior to A/B testing? Think again.

According to Chris, multivariate testing takes too long to reach a statistically significant result. Marketers will achieve better results with A/B testing, with which they can focus on strategy and a very specific A/B test.

Myth 2: You Don't Need Controlled Testing

If you want to achieve continuous improvements in your conversion program, you must test in a controlled environment. Without a controlled environment, you will never know which variables positively (or negatively) impact your conversion rate.

Myth 3: Usability Testing is a Substitute for Conversion Optimization

Need to learn is a visitor is able to complete a desired action that you give them? Usability testing is your tool because everything needs to be validated.

But real conversion optimization is the intersection of persuasion marketing (the processes of motivating visitors to take action), experience design (removing barriers to action), and the scientific method (testing your hypotheses).