Categories: Social Media Marketing

Is Pinterest Good for Hosting Contests?

Facebook sweepstakes and contests have taken off over the last couple of years and there have been a few forward thinking companies making the leap from Facebook to Pinterest. Unlike Facebook, where there are tons of companies offering to help you run a contest and track ROI and metrics, Pinterest is still a little off the grid. By being a little less understood, it allows creative companies the opportunity to lead the way in the possibilities of contests on Pinterest.

Here are some top ideas on how to run a contest on Pinterest:

The one type of contest that has really caught on is the “Pin it to Win It”. This type of contest allows people to create a board on their personal profile, usually including the business’s products, and then submits it for review. Doing this creates several great KPIs for businesses including:

  1. Gain followers on Pinterest – Uncommon Goods ran a contest and increased followers to their Pinterest boards by 200%
  2. Increase re-pins of your board pins
  3. Increase links to your site
  4. Brand awareness

Should your company run a contest? As with all contests the biggest challenge is to determine what your success metrics is and how you’re going to measure it. Once you determine those key ingredients you can find the right contest format to meet your needs.

One of the greatest things about Pinterest contests is that the sky is the limit. As long as you can think of how to track it, you can do it. The biggest challenge is to think of something creative to make you stand apart from the crowd.

Learn how to use Pinterest to drive referral traffic and boost brand awareness.

Watch How Pinterest Can Help Your Brand, and walk through the necessary steps for getting up and running on Pinterest. You'll discover how to leverage the network to drive significant referral traffic, and learn exactly how to create pins that people will love, share, and visit. Get instant access to now.