Categories: B2B Marketing

How to Use Facebook Promoted Posts for Lead Generation

Even with your jaw-dropping cover image, people are just less likely to go your brand page nowadays. And, Facebook estimates only about 16% of your fans will ever see the posts you publish from your brand page appear in their newsfeed. As we know, appearing in the newsfeed of your fans and friends of fans is critical to give your content the traction needed to justify your social marketing efforts.

Promoted Posts and Custom Facebook Tabs Together Drive Leads

Using your paid search budget on promoted posts (instead of Facebook ads) will allow your content to appear in prospects' newsfeeds. You can then drive them to your lead-gen form housed within a Facebook custom tab.

Test this to see if it’ll work for your fans, but I’ve seen that keeping people within Facebook instead of sending them to an external landing page generally encourages social sharing and increased comments on the content your brand page publishes. These forms of engagement can then be monitored in Facebook’s insights ‘Talking About This’.

And creating Facebook tabs is incredibly easy now. There are services like ShortStack which allows you to add a custom form widget offering white paper download functionality. Or, if you’re using Marketo for marketing automation, specific editions will allow you to publish the landing page you’ve created within Marketo directly as a Facebook tab (view how-to here).

As people express interest and fill out the form requesting the industry research paper or more information, keep this list segmented as ‘leads from Facebook’ as a way to measure ROI from this channel and to tailor your messaging for this group of people.

Just make sure to remember that promoted posts appear in the newsfeed at times when someone isn't directly searching for your product, so keep the messaging informational and inviting – rather than a hard sell. Don't over promote either for risk of annoying prospects. Instead, use promoted posts as a way to introduce your brand. It's a perfect additional touch point to keep your brand in front of prospects, so that when they’re confronted with a problem that your service offers a solution for, they’ll know where to look.

Ready to learn more?

Download comScore’s Power of Like white paper now.

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