Categories: Social MediaSocial Media Marketing

8 Reasons to Use Pinterest for Marketing

If your business sells products or services online, you need to explore Pinterest as a potential weapon in your online marketing arsenal, especially if you market to women. Reports show anywhere from 70-80% of users are female! With that, here are 8 reasons to use Pinterest as part of your digital marketing strategy.

RELATED CLASS: How Pinterest Can Help Your Brand

1. Pinterest is growing in leaps and bounds.

According to Compete, unique monthly visitors grew close to 32,000,000 in October. Pinterest has almost caught up with Twitter in terms of adult U.S. Internet users (15% compared to Twitter’s 16%).


2. Pinterest drives website traffic.

For the most successful pinners and brands using the network strategically, you can drive significant amounts of traffic. MarketingCharts reported Pinterest now drives more traffic to websites than Twitter, StumbleUpon, & Reddit, and others—combined.

3. Pinterest pins have a shelf life of over one week!

Compare that to the life of a tweet (5-25 minutes) and a Facebook post (80 minutes). People pin photos on Pinterest to share with friends, to collect and to save for later when they are interested in buying.

4. Pinterest users are more likely to become buyers.

Many pins are linked to websites where you can purchase the item, and pinners are much more responsive to this – in fact, pins with price tags get 36% more likes!

RELATED CLASS: Pinning for Profit

5. Pinterest shares almost rival email.

If your goal is to get your content shared, Pinterest can help you do that. Shares via the network have grown by at least 59% this year.

6. Pinterest has a completely different culture than other social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram.

Pinterest works more like a Vision Board, rather than an off-the-cuff, in-the-moment statement of what people are eating or where people are hanging out.

7. Pinterest is highly addictive.

Pinterest users are not passive—they are more likely to participate on the site than the typical social media user who reads and scans but never takes an action (also called “lurkers”).

8. Integration with other social media sites.

You can push your pins out to Twitter and Facebook to drive engagement and get more followers.

Learn how to use Pinterest to drive referral traffic and boost brand awareness.

Watch How Pinterest Can Help Your Brand, and walk through the necessary steps for getting up and running on Pinterest. You'll discover how to leverage the network to drive significant referral traffic, and learn exactly how to create pins that people will love, share, and visit. Get instant access to now.