Categories: Mobile Marketing

Instagram: The Social Platform You Can’t Miss Out On

As social media marketing has become a central foundation of digital marketing strategy, many organizations have focused most of their energy on the two leading platforms, Facebook and Twitter. As many may have noticed, this has led to an influx of enormous social campaigns and increasing competition across the board. As a result, it’s not too uncommon to get buried beneath the big-budget social madness within these online communities. However, social media has turned the corner with the emergence of Instagram, an under-utilized platform that can send your mobile marketing ROI through the roof.

Brandon Whalen, marketing manager at Room 214, knows a thing or two about the brand-building capabilities of Instagram. His class with the Online Marketing Institute, Instagram for Mobile Marketing ROI, emphasizes how leveraging sharable, visual content through this platform can positively impact brand loyalty, increase user engagement, and build your community. In fact, the very community that many digital marketers seek through reigning social media platforms is largely active on Instagram. 

Class Preview

This class offers a crash course on Instagram features so that you can get familiar with the mobile app and optimize your brand’s presence to maximize user engagement. In addition, you’ll be guided through how you can use this platform to create more in-depth user experiences with your company. When integrating Instagram into your digital marketing mix, it’s critical to learn the advanced engagement and social measurement techniques that will reap ROI success. This includes tackling RSS feeds to monitor your brand online, creating location pages for your business, among a plethora of other tactics to implement. From content sharing to running promotions to telling case studies, this course has got you covered.

So, let’s cut to the chase - what are the key takeaways of exploring this course?

First things first, you’ll have Instagram set-up and best practices covered, so that you can leverage this social media platform to its full potential for your business. You’ll walk away with confidence in implementing new techniques for leveraging the platform’s RSS feeds, and you’ll get a chance to dive into illuminating case studies that will demonstrate how several leading brands are integrating Instagram into their digital marketing mix for social success. Running promotions within this social community will become a breeze, and you will be able to start developing your own unique brand strategy to fuel campaign initiatives. Not only will be you ready to take action in this way, but you’ll also be geared to start using the top 3rd party analytics and management to optimize the action you’re taking on this platform.

With Instagram for Mobile Marketing ROI, you’ll be fully equipped to launch your Instagram strategy and reap the benefits of effective campaigns. Dive into this class now to immediately start reaching a wider audience and developing a stronger brand following.

Ready to learn more?

Check out OMI’s full library of social media classes, and access downloadable class PowerPoints on the OMI SlideShare channel.