Categories: Mobile Marketing

Mobilize Your Content for a Growing Mobile Audience

We all know that content is king, where search engines and social media platforms rule the digital landscape. Brands like Red Bull and GoPro have embraced the concept of being publishers, and sales have followed. While it is easy and comfortable to predict content creation, optimization and syndication will continue to be a focus for business owners and marketers in 2015 and beyond, there is a bigger opportunity looming.

The Mobile Opportunity

I believe smart companies and marketers will focus on developing compelling content designed specifically for mobile audiences. In 2014, U.S. adults spent 23% more time on mobile during an average day than in 2013, according to eMarketer. Furthermore, 79% have their smartphones with them a whopping 22 hours per day. According to a recent Harris Poll, 40% of purchases are directly influenced by smart phones.

Make Content for Mobile Users

So what are your plans for mobilizing your content strategy for that growing part of your audience moving to mobile? Content isn’t just about a blog and smart copy – consider the power of video, podcasts and images, beyond the written word. Multimedia is infinitely more engaging and shareable (and thus has a higher probability of going viral).

Related Class: YouTube: The Digital Video Advertising Opportunity

Engage your target audiences to understand what they want and need, and rethink your content strategy to give it to them. Talk with your sales and customer service team for additional insights into trends. Evaluate the overall marketplace and provide content your competitors are not.

2015 will be a big year for mobile content, and it’s likely that 2016 will only build on that trend. Don’t be left behind. Start planning your content strategies today and be prepared for a very engaged group of mobile customers and constituents. Visit Anvil's Resources section for insights and inspiration.

Want to learn more about mobile strategy and emerging trends? Check out this OMI class for more: Mobile PR and Content Marketing.