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By entering my information and clicking on “Complete Order,” I understand that when my free trial ends, unless I cancel, the service will continue. On the day following the end of my free trial period, my credit card will be charged monthly or annually depending on my subscription choice. I understand that I will continue to be charged this amount every month, or year, until I cancel.

I understand that to cancel my subscription, I need to login into my OMI account, navigate to “My Account,” and submit the cancellation form by clicking “Cancel Account." In order to change or update my billing info, I understand I must login, and navigate to “Update Billing Info” under the drop down menu. I further understand that any charges already made to my credit card at the time of cancellation are non-refundable.




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Pricing After Free Trial*

Don't worry! You won't be charged until the end of your 10-day trial.

  • 5 Subscriptions
  • Unlimited Access to All Video Classes
  • New Trending Courses Monthly
  • Access to Master Classes
  • 25% Off All Certifications
  • Early Access to Upcoming Content

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