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How to Build a Lead Nurturing Campaign

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73% of B2B leads passed to sales are not sales ready. When marketing passes leads to sales too soon, it can make sales distrustful of the lead generation process in general. That’s where lead nurturing enters the picture. By implementing a lead nurturing campaign it is possible to identify the leads that are ready for sales to contact, and the leads that need more encouragement first.Many marketers still haven’t implemented lead nurturing campaigns. Just starting this process can give a company a huge leg-up. Learn how to implement a nurturing sequence with small, digestible steps that easily pass leads on to the next step in the process. By putting leads into this process they will engage with your content and marketing, and will not be handed off to sales until they’re ready.

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Kim Albee's picture

Kim Albee

Founder and President

As President of Genoo, Kim brings integrated marketing tools to small and midsized businesses interested in growing their businesses and using the internet to achieve better results.
In addition, Kim has gained expertise and recognition in helping SMB organizations achieve increased results through utiliz more.

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