Karen Talavera

Karen Talavera

Karen Talavera, the founder and force behind Synchronicity Marketing, is an internationally-recognized email and digital marketing expert. With over two decades of experience she has been praised as ‰”a pioneer in bringing the power of email marketing to the forefront‰” and ‰”diligent in staying on top of her field, mastering email marketing not just as a specific practice but also in conjunction with social media and other digital channels‰”.
Karen‰’s unique blend of digital expertise and finely honed direct response marketing mindset has delivered enhanced marketing performance and improved strategy for clients ranging from ServiceMaster, Bank of the West, AAA, and the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau to agencies, associations and solo-preneurs.
Karen is also a well known and respected trainer and professional educator. In 2000 she launched and continues to teach the comprehensive multi-day Email Marketing Certification for the Direct Marketing Association (DMA). She is also an instructor for the Association of National Advertisers, the Online Marketing Institute, and MarketingProfs. Throughout her tenure teaching for these and other groups Karen has trained thousands of marketing professionals, independent entrepreneurs and business owners on how to apply email and related digital marketing channels legally and strategically to grow a steady stream of engaged prospects, loyal customers, and sales.
Karen is an alumnus of the University of Michigan, speaks fluent Spanish and enjoys international travel. In her spare time you‰’ll find her relishing South Florida life and pursuing one of her many passions including yoga, meditation, writing and Zumba!

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