Kylie Bartlett

Kylie Bartlett

Kylie Bartlett is better known these days as the ‰’Web Celeb‰’, teaching SMEs, start-ups and corporates how to become WEB FAMOUS in their industry. Kylie has trained, coached and inspired more than 1,000 businesses globally on how to become socially savvy on the web. She is no stranger to traditional media attention either. She has appeared on numerous Australian television and radio broadcasts including, ‰’The Today Show, 9AM Show, 3MP, 2UB‰’, appeared in many Australian newspapers and magazine publications including, ‰’The Sunday Herald Sun, Dynamic Business Magazine, Australian Banking and Finance Magazine,‰’ to name a few. A veteran on the public speaking circuit, Kylie combines substance with humour to inspire, motivate and serve as a catalyst for others to achieve outstanding success and celebrity results in business by leveraging the power of the social web.

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